Connect with your favorite celebrities

yiiu puts access to hundreds of great musicians, athletes, and online personalities right at your fingertips

From quick songs to personalized greetings to special yiiu messages, our platform connects fans and celebrities in a way that’s never been seen before. When you create your free account, you get amazing access to hundreds of celebs, including independent musicians, respected athletes, and up and coming YouTube stars.

Create a FREE Account

Create your account and enter your chosen celebrity’s name and profession. You will then be linked directly to the celebrity's fan page where you can interact with them in a way that’s never been possible before

Request your yiiu

It’s time to reach out to your chosen celebrity with your request. You can ask for a song, a greeting, or a special yiiu message. Each request generates a custom order form – once you accept the fee your request will be processed.

Receive your yiiu

After the celebrity has received andaccepted your request, they will get to work preparing your delivery. You will receive a notification when it’s ready. With your approval, the transaction will be marked as complete.

The future of fan interactions

Browse our large pool of global celebrities today

yiiu is the most inclusive, international celebrity interaction hub in the world.

Our Mission

To reduce barriers and improve connections between global celebrities and the fans that adore them.

Our Vission

We envision a world where artists and entertainers use our platform to expand their reach and bring joy to their fans.

Ready to request your first yiiu message?

Sign up below to interact with:





